It’s a brand new friggin year!!! Ahhh!!!! Oh guys, I know, 2020 was a HARD year. Lots of ups and downs, lots of change at the most insanely frequent intervals – are we in Red Zone? No wait, Orange Zone? Modified Red Zone? Modified, modified Red Zone? (For all Ontarioians, you know what I mean). BUT WE DID IT!!!!!!! We are still here and continuing to embrace the challenges that COVID gave us, being present with day to day focuses and looking forward to a more stable 2021.
Truth be told, for many of us 2020 was a year to slow down, refocus, clean out your closets AND learn how to garden (I definitely put in more blueberry and herbs in my garden than previous years!). We really tried to make the most of the cards we were dealt. Was it hard? Ummm yes. There were multiple occasions that I called Mel crying my eyes out not fully understanding what the heck was going on with my mental health. Why was I so low? Why did it feel like my life and everything I’ve known was taken out right under my feet?
Where did my NORMAL go?
In retrospect, I really had to dig deep. Deeper than I ever had to. I had to refocus, reprioritize my life, revisit my values and to remember what made me…well…me. It was a wild ride in taking apart who I was, including who my working self was (someone who got up early, worked out, looked at my to do list for the day, showered, got on nice clothes, drove my kiddos to school, then continued my drive to work listening to News Radio, worked for 8+ hours, drove ½ hr home, picked up my girls...etc. etc. etc.). I went back to work after 18 amazing months being on maternity leave with my littlest – (the best 18 months ever) but I was truly looking forward to going back to work and having more of a balanced life. I expected to go back to the routine described above, and then…COVID hit. And my first day of work started with me having to download something called Zoom. This was definitely outside of my norm!
For the next few months, I no longer had to get dressed in nice clothes or drive to work. My kids were doing school online. Heck, I didn’t even have to shower and my routine and all that I had known for the many, many years of my working life was gone. And so, I had to pivot and relearn what “normal” was when working, and had to revisit my values, those core beliefs that made me happiest, made me whole and allowed me to feel joy. For me, this was my family, my health (physical & mental) and helping others - these were the values that had to be put first.
Now, that didn't mean I worked any less harder - it just meant that I worked in a way that allowed me to regain my joy. Among all the change, I went back to my old routines that made me feel whole - I aimed for a more balanced life. I took the time to enjoy those blissful morning runs that would change my perspective and mindset for the rest of the day. I practiced gratitude. Had stronger boundaries of when I worked and when I put the phone away. I also took much time to reflect, to get an experts advice and work at moving forward in a positive way. This process made me even stronger to become the best version of me!
A New Year
A new year brings with it hope. Brings with it anticipation of what could be. 2021 promises a re-set, growth, goal setting and achieving and becoming an even better version of you. Are you ready to focus on you and to lead your best life ever? The first step is to truly focus (or re-focus) on your values and remember what brings you joy. I do warn you, it does take some work but you will be even more grateful, stronger and happier to have gone through the process. You will know yourself better and understand what brings you joy.
Try This
Take 15 min now and:
1.) Write down what your values are (just 2 to 3 are perfect). If you don't know how to find your values, write down everything that is important in your life and choose 1-3 items of importance that give you the most meaning.
2.) Remind yourself of your "why" and purpose to why you do the things you do. ie. My value is patience and support for my kids so I get up early in the morning to meditate and do yoga to be in a great mental state for the rest of the day. or ie. one of my values is fitness and I work out to remain healthy as I age. Find whatever the why is to your values.
3.) Visualize what your optimum, happiest life looks like. How do you feel when you think of this new life? What does it look like exactly? Where are you? What are you driving? What are you wearing? What makes you so happy about it? Once you see this life, write it down.
Post your values and description of your happiest life somewhere where you can see it and re-read it over and over again. It’s never too early or late to start your dreams and goals. There are no goals that are too out there, too grand, too big. This is your life to be lived with as many exclamations as possible, and your dreams in the one life you have, so go big! You got this and we got you.
We’re Here
If you need a little help finding what your values are, how to start achieving these dreams and visualizations or how to break down large goals, we got you. Send us a DM on Instagram or fill out our intake form and we’d be happy to help. First session is always free and then you can decide if you want to keep pursuing your dreams with us.
Wishing you an amazing start to 2021 and may it be filled with accomplishments, strength, hope, belief and the work that goes along with achieving your dreams. In the words of George Eliot, “It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
Take the chance on you and give us a shout today.